More Articles "boating"

Best Way to Spend an Afternoon Exploring Rock Hill, South Carolina 

Want to spend a little extra time exploring the area around beautiful Lake Wylie — but not quite sure where to start? Playing a significant part in South Carolina’s rich textile manufacturing industry and history, Rock Hill has recently reinvented itself to be a must-visit destination for people of all ages and stages of life. … Continued

Here’s Exactly What to Put on Your Boating Bucket List This Year 

Once the holidays have come and gone, it seems that all anyone can think about is their New Year’s resolutions — and all the ways they’re going to be successful in following through during the twelve months ahead.  But what if instead of trying to eat healthier or read more books, we made resolutions that … Continued

Let’s Dive into the History of St. Simons Island 

As the largest barrier island within the Golden Isles, a cluster that includes Sea Island, Jekyll Island, Little St. Simons Island, and Brunswick on the mainland, St. Simons Island possesses a deep and rich history that dates back to thousands of years ago.  The earliest known inhabitants of St. Simons Island were Native American tribes … Continued

Questions You Should Ask at Your Next Boat Show 

As the colder winter months approach, it’s the perfect time to think about all of the exciting upcoming boat shows that you could be attending if you plan things just right! Boat shows come in all shapes and sizes. Some are huge, international affairs (like the Miami International Boat Show) while other, local and regional … Continued

Nine Exciting Things to Do Around Cornelius, North Carolina 

Established in 1905 as a mill and farm community, the town of Cornelius stretches around the largest man-made body of freshwater in North Carolina — known as  Lake Norman — amounting to a vast 70 miles of shoreline. As the second youngest town out of Mecklenburg County’s six incorporated towns, Cornelius is well known today … Continued

Five Fun Fall Activities to Enjoy Aboard Your Boat 

What exactly indicates to us that the summer has finally come to an end? Is it the return of the school year, with kids headed off to their respective classrooms with shiny new notebooks in hand? Is it the cooler mornings, with the sun a little more delayed in making its presence known to the … Continued

Six Questions Every New Boater Should Ask 

Boating is one of the most exhilarating and relaxing things one can do on a particularly sunny day. Regardless of how you’re intending to spend your time out on the water — with a fishing pole in hand, enjoying the view with friends, or splashing around the boat with family — there’s nothing quite like … Continued

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